«Искусство жить — это умение изящно и легко размещать себя в любом формате жизни — в пространстве миниатюры и монументальной живописи, бедности и богатства, физического достоинства и убогости болезни, многоцветья жизненной перспективы и минимализма последних дней и минут.»

— Долгополов Н. Б.

Maria Dolgopolova – Jungian psychology and psychoanalysis

Адрес кабинета психолога


Maria Dolgopolova – a certified clinical psychologist (Moscow State University) and a jungian psychologist (Moscow Association of Analytical Psychology, an IAAP training candidate studying in CGJung Institute in Zurich) with a background in gestalt therapy (Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama, Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles) and in psychoanalysis of object relations.

+998 90 097 6025 (Telegram, WhatsApp)



What I can do for you?

You are highly welcome! My name is Maria. I am a clinical psychologist trained and practised largely in Moscow (2011-2022). More about professional background. My principal clinical experience lies within psychological long and short-term therapy. Possible reasons to come.

Thanks to 12 years of practical work I have become experienced to help with anxiety, depression, anger management issues, self-destructive tendencies, grief, extreme trauma and dissociative behaviors resulting from emotional or physical abuse. I have been developing extensively in the field of sudden loss, consequences of violence; post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline and narcissistic personality disorders, endogenic disorders (such as paranoid schizophrenia, mood disorders only in cooperation with psychiatric institutions). And I am willing to assist with less severe conditions as well.

My professional activities include therapeutic groups (face-to-face and online) providing psychological support alongside with clinical educational seminars for psychologists.

Current location: Face-to-face collaboration is most likely impossible right now. I don't live in Moscow anymore. And my place of living is not permanent yet (the actual country is Uzbekistan). Planned country for long-term stay is Australia, but only after gaining required local accreditations.

Insurance: I am not an approved specialist for any insurance panel yet. But I am trying to show my skills using any reasonable and ethical ways, so you can decide whether you can trust me or not. I am capable of writing for the blog, of creating podcasts & video with useful matherial and of attending interviews. I did such things in the past for the Russian audience. And I am willing to do it again for the english speaking environment.

Maria Dolgopolova — Professional blog

Professional blog

I write articles for a wide audience
about psychologists, psychotherapy, personal development, relationship and many other practical issues belonging to my professional area.

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Actual possibilities

Мария Долгополова - онлайн и очные консультации

Up and until very recently I ran a successful full face-to-face time private practice in Moscow which I established in 2015 (I have been practicing with clients under supervision since 2011). I continue to work with all my clients online due to the latest circumstances since October 2022. I still see about 21-25 patients per week mainly in the age range from 20 to 40. I had a successfull outcome with people of older and younger age group, but the most popular age of my clients permanently was ten years more or less than my own age.

Since 2021 my professional activities include therapeutic groups (face-to-face and online) providing psychological support alongside with clinical educational seminars for psychologists. Two recent groups for psychologists related to the follow subjects: “Clinical manifestations of aggressiveness. Strategies of long-term psychotherapy”, “Love and hatred toward ourselves. Strategies to work with self-destruction in long-term psychotherapy” (chemical and not-chemical dependency, PTSD with self-harm behaviour, psychosomatics, masochistic patterns and traits of character, risk-taking behaviour, including a destructive romantic relationship).

2022 was extremely unusual in my professional path. Less than in 12 months I transformed from an ordinary psychologist with a face-to-face private practice in Moscow and studying in Switzerland into a "multicultural specialist" and then received my own experience of changing the place of living. Most of my clients from Moscow within less than one year became residents (expats) of other countries or "round-the-world travelers". In both cases someones who have to immerse themselves into a different culture. That means most of my clients from Moscow transformed from settled people of the beloved city into inexperienced "digital nomads" or into career migrants. Fortunatelly, some of my clients always belonged to a different country than my own. It is a challenge for me to explore new conditions and plenty of cultures (that are not well-known yet) through myself and through clients. However I find this challenge highly inspiring and exciting.

For much of the last 2-3 years, my experience has been working with refugees or expats, many fleeing Ukraine and Russia, often due to forced relocation as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war and consequent political instability. I continued working online, dealing with war-trauma and supporting clients to re-construct their lives in a totally new setting (country, life-style, shifts in work-processes). I frequently assisted (as a psychologist) people who were focused on issues with unexpected changes, who faced crises and searched for any solutions to cope with them, who had to find themselves again and transform themselves in a rapidly changing world.

I come from a background in psychology. My father and mother were both psychotherapists and educationalists using the Gestalt approach. My father was well known for his pioneering work, eventually founding and setting up the Moscow Gestalt Institute and Psychodrama which he ran for over 20 years. The Institute still operates employing over 300 people.

I hold BSc and MSc degrees in psychology from Moscow State University. My scientific adviser Prof Igor Kadyrov, former president of the Moscow Psychoanalytic Society, included me in a small team of scientists conducting psychotherapeutic process research with endogenous mental disorders including schizophrenia and mood disorders at the advanced psychiatry clinic in Moscow.

My Masters thesis was centered on thinking processes in patients with paranoid schizophrenia. I have long and in depth involvement in scientific work; at university we focused on the investigation of psychotherapeutic process in psychoanalytic approaches among patients with further using outcomes for research. We applied the Horowitz method amongst others. I was accepted and worked on PhD about thinking processes in patients with endogenic disorders (mood disorders and schizophrenia) in Moscow State University. I placed this hold being whilst I set up my practice increasingly finding interest and relevance in the work of CG Jung.

Personal information about me. I have been married for 10 years with a 3-year-old daughter. We have been living (my daughter, husband and I) until very recently in our own house just outside Moscow. I have a wide spectrum of interests in addition to my professional and family life. The main such interests today are traveling (we were staying in Great Britain, Uzbekistan, Malaysia and Thailand for the last year), friendship and human relations (in a non-professional way), sport, education and reading.

Консультация психолога онлайн

Individual psychology counselling online

Today I provide only online consultancies until I get settled down again in my next long term place for living. Before that I am trying to do the best in challenging circumstances. The change in working conditions means that I work hard to achieve the best results, despite any restrictions and limits, and adapt classic face-to-face instruments to online setting. I am sorry for any inconveniences. Please wait for updates in the nearest future.

Professional Background and Education

In addition to BSc and MSc degrees in psychology from Moscow State University and activities that can’t be shown using certificates (like personal analysis, group supervision, participation in scientific groups in the Mental Health Research Centre). I can provide my certificates that prove 1450 hours of advanced training. Unfortunately for my english website many of those educational programs were held in russian language and certificates are not translated. However I hope that my further progress in CGJung Institute in Zurich will make this obstacle less meaningful. The main point is that besides clinical psychology and Jungian psychologyI have a background in gestalt therapy (Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama, Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles) and in psychoanalysis of object relations.


  • 2008–2013  – Lomonosov Moscow State University, specialty “Neuro- and pathopsychology” (qualification Clinical psychologist)
  • 2013–2014  – Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, specialty Medical psychology, postgraduate student


  • Clinical Psychologist — Diploma of Moscow State University
  • Jungian Psychologist — Diploma of Moscow association for analytical psychology. Training candidate in International Association for Analytical Psychology

Professional memberships:

  • A full member of the Moscow association for analytical psychology (connected with The International Association for Analytical Psychology)
  • Member of the Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League. (PPL Russia is Russian Federation official in the European Association of Psychotherapy).
  • Training candidate for The International Association for Analytical Psychology in CGJung Institute in Zurich

Professional positions held:

  • 2011–2018 – counseling psychologist at the Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama (MIGIP)
  • 2013–2014 — counseling psychologist at the i-helpu.ru psychological center
  • 2013–2017 — counseling psychologist at the service called Infodoctor (Russia, Moscow)
  • 2012–present  — Private practice

Lectures and courses presented (since 2021):

  • 2021 — Educational course for psychologists “Clinical manifestations of aggressiveness. Strategies of long-term psychotherapy”. (series of 3 hour seminars, 7 seminars). Was held in Academy for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (Moscow)
  • 2022 — Educational course for psychologists “Love and hatred toward ourselves. Strategies to work with self-destruction in long-term psychotherapy” (series of 3 hour seminars, 7 seminars). Was held in Academy for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy
  • 2022-present — Group leader of long-term therapeutic groups
  • 2023 — Educational course for psychologists “Narcissistic defenses: how to understand our own and not to be hurt by people around” (series of 3 hour seminars, 2 seminars)

Professional experience:

  • 2008–present – educational experience in group leading (gestalt approach), About 316 hours (basic educational program and intensives of the Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama, GATLA Gestalt Therapist Advanced Training Program in Los Angeles, advanced training modules for gestalt consultants “fourth step”)
  • 2008–present — Participant of multiple practical programs and intensive courses related to Gestalt therapy (only confirmation of educational hours, no professional status in community of Gestalt therapists). More than 1350 confirmed hours with Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama and in the Los Angeles Association of Gestalt Trainers.
  • 2009–2014 — Participant in the project “Psychoanalytical research in the clinic” on the basis of the Mental Health Research Centre (Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 34) under the direction of Kadyrov I.M. (PhD, full professor in Moscow State University, ex president of Moscow Psychoanalytical Society 1998–2006)
  • 2009-present — Training (personal) analysis with Jungian psychoanalyst (IAAP member) about 300 hours
  • 2009–2014 — Group face-to-face supervision with Kadyrov I.M. (PhD, full professor in Moscow State University, ex-president of Moscow Psychoanalytical Society 1998–2006). About 108 hours.
  • 2012-2013 — Group face-to-face supervision with Rayevski S.O (PhD, full professor in Moscow State University, IAAP member, founder of Moscow association for analytical psychology). About 12 hours
  • 2015–present — Advanced training of Gestalt consultants (supervision and group management) “Stage 4”, trainer Dolgopolov N.B., since 2018 trainer is Lubyanitskaya N.G. – 72 hours per year
  • 2016–2017 — Group face-to-face supervision with Makhmudov Eldar (member, supervising analyst of the Russian Society of Analytical Psychology). About 60 hours
  • 2016 — individual public supervision of Otto Kernberg at the International Seminar “Narcissistic Personality Disorders” (St. Petersburg) – 50 minutes
  • 2021–present — individual and group supervisions in CGJung Institute in Zurich. About 70 hours of group supervision. About 40 hours of individual supervision.

Diplomas and certificates