Videoblog Maria Dolgopolova: 10 September 2023

13 September, 2023

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This natural place is Phuket (Thailand).

I have been living in Moscow for 30 years. And today my place of living is a bit uncertain and not permanent.

I have "plan A" and will keep you informed about any updates.

My work and my family are with me.

This year we stayed in Great Britain, in Uzbekistan, in Thailand and in Malaysia for some time.

The favorite thing I love about Thailand, this is an ideal place to "improve relationships" with the body (for me).

I have no desire here to "avoid my body", to keep my attention directed only to intellectual activities. (to focus my attention on int act, to direct my attention at only intellectual activities).

I can easily imagine why advice "follow the moment" is highly frequently given from places like Thailand.

Even religion here is not about being virtuous. It is about being grounded in life as it is, that means to be grounded in the actual present to be grounded in the body.

"Follow the moment" in Moscow meant cold weather, the absence of light and frequent rains. I preferred to avoid such physical impressions and to get sidetracked mentally.

However, it seems, my family shouldn't stay in the country of the "perfect present moment" forever.

I had medicinal purposes here and they are 95% achieved. The opposite climate can be really helpful to fix some physical problems.

Because of the last argument I have solid reasons to be grateful to this country.

This is not a farewell speech. I keep going to be here, just not forever.

I was happy to show you at least something from here.

About me

Maria Dolgopolova – a certified clinical and a jungian psychologist (Moscow Association of Analytical Psychology, an IAAP training candidate studying in CGJung Institute in Zurich) with a background in gestalt therapy (Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama, Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles) and in psychoanalysis of object relations.

+998 900 976 025 (Telegram, WhatsApp)