Videoblog Maria Dolgopolova: 20 November 2023

My dearest followers,
What can I say to you?
Video editing means something special to me...

20 November, 2023

My dearest followers,

What can I say to you?

Video editing means something special to me.

I will never be younger than now.

Most likely, I will never be prettier than now.

Perhaps, I will never be in Thailand again for a longer time than I was the last 5 months.

I will never be again at the same point on the path of my life.

Movies are a chance to preserve the atmosphere and uniqueness of the moment, the actual liminal space.

I appreciate my safety that I am trying to protect.

Last two years a couple of things from the outer world tried to ruin it dramatically.

But I found the way to proceed with my deepest intentions in changed circumstances.

I am full of passion towards my profession and towards travelling.

Many years I hid my identity about travelling, and hid any evidence about some wonderful places I saw.

Because many people in my country were restricted to travel far or to travel frequently or to travel to expensive countries or to take a break from work for travelling.

I didn't want to provoke jealousy in somebody.

Today Instagram is officially forbidden in my motherland. And I am not there.

So I don't want to pretend to be “not-me” about it again.

I don't want to hide my favourite photos from my beloved places on this earth anymore.

I want to share some of my impressions and I don't want to be embarrassed about this.

I enjoyed the moment last month when the Danish Travellers Club liked my video about Iceland.

It is inspiring. It is a natural "exchange".

Only a few people know me outside Russia right now (I hope this will change soon).

And nobody could get jealous now because «his classmate did something that he didn't».

I enjoy not being somebody's classmate anymore. The biggest advantage of not living in the motherland.

I am aware that my friends from Russia who knew me from long ago still watch me here as well.

And I am very glad about it. You are highly welcome!

That you are accepting my not russian part of identity that I express here.

That is all for now. I had an incredible summer this year.

There was so much beauty around.

Thai people were kind and caring to us.

I saw Malaysia for the first time.

I showed you some places from this journey that I will be really missing.

About me

Maria Dolgopolova – a certified clinical and a jungian psychologist (Moscow Association of Analytical Psychology, an IAAP training candidate studying in CGJung Institute in Zurich) with a background in gestalt therapy (Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama, Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles) and in psychoanalysis of object relations.

+998 900 976 025 (Telegram, WhatsApp)